August 20, 2024

RDL vs. Deadlift: Unlocking the Secrets to Better Lifts

When building strength and improving your overall fitness, deadlifts are often at the top of the list. But did you know there’s more than one way to do them? Enter the Romanian Deadlift (RDL) and the traditional Deadlift—two powerhouse exercises that, while similar, target your muscles in different ways. 

At Hideout Fitness in Irvine, we’re here to help you understand the differences between these two lifts so you can choose the right one for your goals.

What’s the Difference Between RDL and Deadlift?

The RDL and the traditional deadlift are fantastic exercises for building strength, particularly in the posterior chain (your back, glutes, and hamstrings). However, they differ in execution and the specific muscles they emphasize.

  • Romanian Deadlift (RDL): The RDL primarily focuses on the hamstrings and glutes. It involves lowering the barbell to mid-shin level or just below the knee, keeping your legs slightly bent and your back flat. The movement emphasizes the stretch and contraction of the hamstrings, making it an excellent exercise for improving flexibility and strength in these muscles.
  • Traditional Deadlift: This lift is more of a full-body exercise involving the legs, back, core, and even grip strength. It starts with the barbell on the floor, and the lift is initiated from a squat position, driving through the heels to stand upright. It’s a compound movement that targets multiple muscle groups and is excellent for overall strength development.

RDL vs. Deadlift: Which One is Better for You?

It depends on your goals!

  • If you want to focus on hamstring and glute strength: The RDL is your go-to. It’s also a bit easier on the lower back since you’re not lifting the weight from the ground.
  • If you’re looking for a full-body workout: The traditional deadlift is hard to beat. It’s a great exercise for building overall strength, particularly in the legs and back.

At Hideout Fitness, our expert personal trainers in Irvine are well-equipped to help you determine which lift is best suited for your goals. They will guide you in perfecting your form to prevent injury and maximize results, giving you the confidence to push your limits.

How to Incorporate RDLs and Deadlifts into Your Routine

Here’s how you can start adding these lifts to your workouts:

  • Start with the basics: If you’re new to deadlifting, start with the traditional deadlift to build a strong foundation. Focus on your form, and don’t be afraid to start with lighter weights.
  • Mix it up: Once you’re comfortable with the traditional deadlift, incorporate RDLs into your fitness routine. They’re great for targeting the hamstrings and glutes more directly.
  • Alternate between the two: To get the best of both worlds, consider alternating between RDLs and traditional deadlifts on different days. This way, you can work on building overall strength while also honing in on specific muscle groups.
  • Seek guidance: Deadlifts are incredibly effective but can be challenging to master. The personal trainers at Hideout Fitness are here to help you with personalized guidance and training programs.

Benefits of RDLs and Deadlifts

Both lifts offer unique benefits, making them valuable additions to any strength training program.

  • RDL Benefits: Improves hamstring flexibility, strengthens the glutes and lower back, and enhances balance and stability.
  • Traditional Deadlift Benefits: Builds overall body strength, improves posture, increases core stability, and helps with real-life functional movements such as lifting heavy objects or maintaining a strong posture during daily activities.


Whether you choose the RDL, the traditional deadlift, or a combination of both, you’re on your way to building serious strength. Remember, the key is to focus on your form and gradually increase the weight as you get stronger. If you’re in Irvine and looking for guidance, the personal trainers at Hideout Fitness are here to help you every step of the way.

Ready to elevate your lifting game? Visit us at Hideout Fitness in Irvine or join our online training program today! For more tips and to schedule your free one-hour consultation, call us at (949) 236-7970. Let’s unlock your lifting potential together!

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