August 26, 2024

The Benefits of Burpees: Why You Should Add Them to Your Workout

Burpees—just hearing the word might make you groan, but there's a reason this full-body exercise is a staple in many workout routines. At Hideout Fitness in Irvine, we’re big fans of burpees because they pack a serious punch in a short amount of time. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just starting your fitness journey, burpees offer numerous benefits to help you achieve your goals.

Let’s break down why burpees deserve a spot in your next workout.

1. Full-Body Workout

One of the biggest benefits of burpees is that they work your entire body. From your legs and glutes to your core and upper body, every muscle group gets involved. The movement combines a squat, push-up, and jump, making it a compound exercise that targets multiple areas at once.

2. Cardio and Strength Combined

Burpees are a perfect blend of cardio and strength training. As you move through the different phases of the exercise, your heart rate increases, helping you burn calories and improve cardiovascular endurance. At the same time, the strength component of the push-up and squat helps build muscle, making burpees a highly efficient exercise.

3. Burns a Lot of Calories

Burpees are intense, and that intensity translates into a high-calorie burn. Because they’re a compound exercise that involves multiple muscles working together, burpees burn more calories than isolation exercises like bicep curls or leg presses. This makes them an effective tool for weight loss or maintaining a healthy weight.

4. Improves Coordination and Balance

The sequence of movements involved in a burpee—jumping, squatting, and performing a push-up—requires coordination and balance. By regularly including burpees in your workouts, you can enhance your body’s ability to coordinate complex movements, improving your overall athleticism.

5. Boosts Mental Toughness

Let’s face it: burpees are tough. But that’s what makes them so valuable. Pushing through a set of burpees can be mentally challenging, but it builds resilience and mental toughness. Over time, you’ll find that you can handle more, not just physically but mentally as well.

6. No Equipment Needed

One of the best things about burpees is that you don’t need any special equipment. You can do them anywhere—at home, in the park, or at the gym. This makes burpees a versatile exercise you can incorporate into any workout routine, regardless of where you are.

7. Enhances Functional Fitness

Burpees mimic movements common in everyday life, such as squatting, pushing, and jumping. This makes them a functional exercise that can help you perform daily tasks more efficiently and with less risk of injury.

How to Incorporate Burpees into Your Routine

If you’re new to burpees, start slow. Begin with a few repetitions and gradually increase the number as you build strength and endurance.

As you become more comfortable with the exercise, you can increase the intensity by adding a jump at the end or incorporating a push-up.

Here are a few ways to include burpees in your workouts:

  • Warm-Up: Add a set of burpees to your warm-up routine to get your heart rate up and activate your muscles.
  • Circuit Training: Include burpees in a circuit with other exercises, such as squats, lunges, and push-ups.
  • HIIT Workouts: Use burpees as a high-intensity interval in your HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) sessions.
  • Challenge Yourself: Set a timer for 1-2 minutes and see how many burpees you can complete.


Burpees are a powerhouse exercise that delivers a full-body workout, boosts cardiovascular fitness, burns calories, and improves functional fitness—all without the need for equipment. While they may be tough, the benefits of burpees make them a valuable addition to any workout routine.

At Hideout Fitness in Irvine, our personal trainers can help you incorporate burpees and other effective exercises into your fitness plan to help you reach your goals.

Ready to take your fitness to the next level? Visit us at Hideout Fitness in Irvine or join our online training program today! For more tips and to schedule your free one-hour consultation, call us at (949) 236-7970. Let’s burpee our way to better health together!

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