Thanksgiving is here, and Christmas is right around the corner. It's a time for celebration, focusing on family, and enjoying home-cooked meals. But how many times have you walked away from the dinner table thinking, "how'd I get all this weight on me?" Don't worry: Irvine personal trainers are here to help you with five tips to help you lose weight!
And don't worry: our guide for losing weight won't include tips like 'starve yourself' or 'working out on an empty stomach.'
Tips To Lose Weight
Here are some easy ways to lose weight without putting strain on your body with strict dieting or going hungry.
Number 1: Don't Skip Meals!
Dieting and trying to improve doesn't mean depriving yourself of valuable nutrients and protein. It's incredibly unhealthy and doesn't play out well. The logic of 'if I don't eat, I won't gain weight' doesn't hold.
When we deprive our body of nutrients and food, it goes into overtime to ensure survival. For example, starving yourself will have your body engaging in survival mode, attempting to hold onto every calorie it can. Not only is starving yourself counterintuitive, but it can also adversely affect your health. You could experience dizziness, fatigue, poor concentration, and hypotension (low blood pressure).
Number 2: Take Stock Of Yourself
Before you go into diet overdrive, take a step back and assess where you are.
What are you trying to do? What fitness or nutrition goals do you need to set? Where do you want to be in a month?
Don't overexert yourself by showing up to the gym on January 1st, thinking you're going to change your life on a dime. It takes a lot of planning and introspection. Likewise, working with a personal trainer with food prep experience can make all the difference.
Number 3: Cut Out Junk Food
It may seem obvious, but cutting out junk food is a great way to start losing weight. Plus, it promotes healthy eating, so it's a definite win either way.
And if you're a snacker, there are plenty of healthier alternatives you can opt for to quench that craving. For example, try these snacks:
- Red bell pepper with some guacamole. Not only does this combination hold plenty of nutrients that potato chips don't have, but this snack can leave you feeling full for a while. Guacamole contains healthy fats and some essential vitamins, while the red bell pepper specifically has higher antioxidants.
- Sliced apples and peanut butter. This healthy snack is a staple for anyone looking to kick salty and sweet snacks to the curb. Apples alone are a great snacking option, as an apple contains high fiber and is low in calories. Peanut butter can be a solid source of protein. However, avoid the big-name peanut butter brands to avoid the added preservatives, trans fats, and added sugar.
- Celery and cream cheese (or peanut butter). A famously low-calorie food, celery is perfect for snacking with cream cheese or peanut butter. The crunch of the celery stick combined with cream cheese or peanut butter is a great hidden culinary gem that'll refresh you. Protein and low carbs will help quell that hunger without damaging your body.
In short, don't let high-sodium snacks get a hold of you. There are plenty of healthier alternatives to help you lose weight and, overall, eat better!
Number 4: Hire A Personal Trainer
Personal trainers aren't just to help spot you during a weight training session. Private trainers in Irvine can help you tailor entire workouts and meal plans around your body, fitness goals, and more.
In a one-on-one setting, individuals can get the most out of a workout without worrying about the hustle and bustle of the everyday gym experience.
Private training in Irvine at Hideout Fitness includes hourly sessions, a coach of your choice, and dynamic workouts for accelerated results.
Number 5: Try A Semi-Private Training Session
Personal trainers are great, but what if you thrive in a group environment instead? Semi-private training in Irvine is perfect for those who want to lose weight and sculpt their body along with a group of close friends.
Plus, when engaging in a semi-private fitness training session, you and your friends can help motivate one another when you don't feel like getting out of bed and making the trek to the gym.
Accountability on everyone's part makes losing weight and improving one's health so much easier.
Want More Weight Loss Tips? Get Physical At Hideout Fitness In Irvine
It's time to unlock the hero in you. At Hideout Fitness, people looking to get fit with group and private gym sessions can get a jump on shedding those holiday pounds.
At Hideout Fitness, you get to exercise in a semi-private or private environment, with talented Irvine fitness coaches crafting the perfect workout routine for you and your needs.
With in-depth meal prep services, fitness coaches with intimate fitness knowledge, and a positive gym environment, visitors can make positive changes they'll see all year round. It's time to get that superhuman burn!